Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Nightman Cometh

Hello all and welcome to the Giz's blog. For those of ya'll that know me well, you know that I am not always the best at keeping in touch with people. I rarely respond to emails, I flat out ignore Kyle's g-chats, and usually never plan or do anything without someone else taking the first steps to initiate it. I am hoping that this blog will be a step towards amending some of these faults as I will be communicating with everyone through this blog. I plan on this blog being over a wide variety of topics which will include, but not be limited to, sports, music, television, drinking, how to properly scurry up a tree, and my general thoughts about life and things that are pissing me off. I will not edit my blog closely for gramatical errors as that would be far too much effort, so if that bothers you please get over it. If you enjoy the blog, please become a follower. Also, if you are interested in a serious discussion about hawks basketball, please read my friend Josh's blog at hawksbball.blogspot.com as he actually gives detailed analysis about the team. Otherwise, for my working friends, I hope this blog provides a nice distraction at work. Now for my first blog:


A dark time is on the horizon in regards to my tv watching. My two favorite shows, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Entourage have recently ended their seasons. In addition to this, college football only has two weeks left in the season before the championship game. (For those interestes I will share my thoughts on college football in another massive blog I will probably post in the next few days) With the loss of these shows and the college football season, I really don't have anything that I eagerly anticipate watching on television. I do enjoy watching the NFL, the Falcons have been a present surprise this season, and I enjoy college basketball. However, none of these compare to my love of college football. Honestly, and this is only a mild exageration if it is one at all, I have only been outside on Saturdays because I was either tailgating or driving to someones house to watch a game. On Saturday's, I am basically a character from Twilight, the only difference is that if I were to tell a girl I wanted to suck her blood I am pretty sure I would get slapped. If I didn't get slapped, I think I would have found the only girl that even Wes would have to admit was too strange to hook up with (Shep would probably do it though).

While I understand that the loss of college football has to happen at the beginnning of december, I do not understand why my two favorite television shows both have to end in november. This current trend in television, in which series are only on for at most half the year, (but typically only 1/4 of the year) is really annoying. I miss the days where you could look forward to a show over the course of the year. Even though they had re-runs interspursed among the new episodes, I didn't mind that. Now, I have 9 months before I get too watch my two favorite shows on television again. It used to be only 3 months during the summer, which was much easier to bare. Not only that, but they don't realese the DVD's until right before the new season so thats no help either. This needs to change, and hopefully the readers of my blog will start an underground movement which will explode forth upon the world and make this injustice cease. END RANT


  • For those of ya'll that both watch the show and know the person, does Dennis from Sunny not remind you of Woz. I think it is uncanny


Ian said...

I think this is brilliance Giz. I'm so proud of you.

Unknown said...

Yes Yes...

I must agree with "Goldenrod" (wtf)
This blog def deserves a nod
and although there isn't yet many a post
One day I'll invite this man to my roast

I've drank with Chris til the wee hours of the morn
Damn...I'm super glad this guy was born
We survived that night and many more just like it
...brb....my body is telling me that I must shit...

Ahh I'm back....but it...followed me...I stink
but honestly I'll do my best to pass on this link
For what is said here....comes truly from Giz
And when I think about this blog it makes me ____!


Kyle + Steph said...

damn gizz, i love you now more than ever. not to ruin your life or anything but check out this site, surfthechannel.com

Kyle + Steph said...

Update your blog gizz, I am worried about you, you could have choked on a turkey gizzard (pun intended).

gizzy12 said...

Thanks for the support. I had some family obligations the past few days but will try and update more regularly

Rajesh Gupta said...

Harden--outstanding work my friend.. I've waited for this day too long--I feel like I know you so well, but an introspective look into the Life of Gizz is an adventure I can't wait to take. Keep writing and I'll sure as hell keep reading.